About PWMI

Originally founded in November 1971 as the Plastic Management Research Association, the Plastic Waste Management Institute (PWMI) received its current name in July of the following year as operations expanded. For the last 40 years or so, PWMI has endeavored to research and develop technology for the optimal processing and effective use of plastic waste and to publicize its findings.
In addition, PWMI has changed into ageneral incorporated association as a result of Laws Related to the Reform of the Public-Interest Corporations System (enacted in December 2008). As a result of this change, PWMI’s objectives were newly established in April 2013 as “surveying and researching the recycling of plastic waste and contributing to a reduction in environmental load by the total recycling of plastic, and helping plastic-related industries to expand their business soundly and contributing to the creation of a society capable of sustainable growth.”